CombatDeath Ability
Last modified: 13 October 2024Executes logic and animations to represent the owner's death.
Automatically triggered when fatal damage is received.
Should be granted by default to the character.
The Death Ability concepts are similar to the ones in the Hit Reaction Ability: It should be granted by default, supports directional hits and damage contexts.
By default, the Death Animation uses the standard Animation Provider. If you want to use directional hits and damage contexts, make sure to switch to the Directional Hits provider.
Death Flow
The Death Ability is triggered by the "death flow", when fatal damage is received, without any defense mechanisms available to revert that. That will trigger the Death Ability
Once the ability ends, it will finish the death flow in the character. Alternatively, the Death Animation Notify can also be used to send aGameplay Event to the Death Ability, which initiates the final stage of the death flow.
Finally, as a fallback, you can set a maximum duration for the Death Flow in the Damage Data Asset, so it will force the last step in the death flow, regardless of where the Death Animation is.
Animation Setup
Depending on your setup, Animation Montages used for Death Animations can be simple and allow the Death Ability to end with the animation. Alternatively, they can be looping, making sure the character will remain at a certain Animation State, like so:
In the example above, you will find the following:
This is Animation Montage handle directional animations, containing multiple montage sections.
Each main direction section leads to a loop section, when the character has fully stopped moving.
The Ragdoll notify is used when appropriate.
The Death notify is used just before the loop.
Interrupting Abilities
A death event most likely has to interrupt other ongoing abilities. A good way to do that is adding a list of abilities that should be cancelled to the list of tags in the Cancel Abilities With Tag container.
However, if you are using the Opportunity System for potentially fatal abilities, such as executions, then
you might also want to consider blocking the activation of the Death Ability if the Victim tag is present.
The Victim Gameplay Tag applied by the Opportunity System is