Ninja Bear Studio Plugins Help


This page will walk you through the pre-requisites and steps necessary to enable the Ninja Combat plugin.


Before setting up the component, there are some pre-requisites to address.

First, ensure you have a working Gameplay Ability System setup:

  1. Add the Ability System Component to your Pawn or Player State.

  2. Properly implement the Ability System Interface on your base class.

  3. Ensure that you can add Attribute Sets, Gameplay Effects, and Gameplay Abilities.

  4. If you are using Ninja G.A.S., configure it first.

Next, make sure you have the input configured:

  1. Your Player Character is ready to handle Input Actions.

  2. If you are using Ninja Input, configure it first.

Installing the Plugin

Once acquired, you can install the plugin via the Epic Games Launcher. Like any code plugin, it can be installed to any compatible engine version.

Once installed, create or open your project and navigate to Edit and then Plugins. In the search bar, type Combat and the Ninja Combat plugin should appear. Tick the checkbox and restart the engine.

C++ Modules

If you're working with C++ and using classes from the Combat System, ensure you add the following modules to your Build.cs file:

PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "CommonUI", "GameplayAbilities", "GameplayTags", "GameplayTasks", "InputCore", "ModelViewViewModel", "Niagara", "NinjaCombat", "NinjaCombatCamera", "NinjaCombatCore", "NinjaCombatActorPool", "NinjaCombatUI", "NinjaCombatActorWeapon", "StructUtils", "UMG" });

Ability System

There are two steps to execute during the initial setup: Configure the Ability System Globals and adding the Combat Attribute Set.

As you explore other pages, or the how-tos, you will learn about other GAS-related aspects that can be configured later on.

Ability System Globals

The Ability System must be configured to use the Global Class and the Cue Manager provided by the project, or a custom subclass exclusive to your project.

Add the following settings to your DefaultGame.ini, located in the Config folder.

[/Script/GameplayAbilities.AbilitySystemGlobals] AbilitySystemGlobalsClassName="/Script/NinjaCombat.NinjaCombatAbilitySystemGlobals" GlobalGameplayCueManagerClass="/Script/NinjaCombat.NinjaCombatGameplayCueManager"

Combat Attribute Set

Add the NinjaCombatAttributeSet to your character's Ability System Component. You find the sample data to initialize it in the appropriate Attribute Set reference page.

Collision Channels

You may want to create dedicated trace channels for Melee Scans and Projectiles. One way of doing that, for example is by adding the following lines to your DefaultEngine.ini file, located in your Config folder.

[/Script/Engine.CollisionProfile] +DefaultChannelResponses=(Channel=ECC_GameTraceChannel1,DefaultResponse=ECR_Ignore,bTraceType=True,bStaticObject=False,Name="Weapon") +DefaultChannelResponses=(Channel=ECC_GameTraceChannel2,DefaultResponse=ECR_Block,bTraceType=True,bStaticObject=True,Name="Projectile")

Here is a breakdown of these collision types, so you can make sure that actors will also react correctly to them:

  1. The Weapon channel is used to trace weapon collisions during Melee Attacks.

  2. The Projectile channel is used to detect impacts from Projectile Impacts.

Finally, assign these Collision Channels in your Combat Settings: Edit > Project Settings > Ninja Combat

Initial Settings

Combat Component

Your main Character class must have the Combat Manager component added to it, along with the appropriate Combat System Interface. Make sure to return the Combat Manager from the GetCombatManager function.

Weapon Manager

Create the appropriate Weapon Manager and make sure to return it in the Combat System Interface. By default, you have two options available for the Weapon Manager type:

  • Default: A basic Weapon Manager that can be used as-is for simpler scenarios.

  • Equipment: This Weapon Manager is compatible with the Inventory System.

Movement Component

If you want to use the provided Combat Character Movement Component, make sure to override the default one in your character, either in C++ or in your Blueprint.

You are not required to use this Movement Component in your project, and it is also fine to use a completely different Movement Solution.

Override default input component
APluginLabsCharacter::APluginLabsCharacter(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer) : Super(ObjectInitializer.SetDefaultSubobjectClass<UNinjaCombatCharacterMovementComponent>(CharacterMovementComponentName)) { // ... }

Migration: 1.0 to 2.0

Version 2.0 introduced many updates to the Combat System. It also drastically simplified the configuration. It’s easier to have a separate copy for the migration, so you can paste some contents over.

  1. The combat components "Damage", "Defense" and "Target" were merged into the unified NinjaCombatManagerComponent. You need to add that component, NinjaCombatWeaponManagerComponent.

  2. The CombatSystemInterface will try to find all components by their interfaces. Right away, you can just implement the getters for the Combat Manager and Weapon Manager. Other functions can be implemented if/when necessary.

  3. The Weapon Manager was improved to be usable out-of-the-box. Review extensions to this component, as they may no longer be needed.

  4. The Opportunity Manager, along with all related components, was removed from the system. Please check the new Opportunity System to learn how to configure Opportunity Attacks.

  5. Weapon Actors have a default Scene Component and already implement Melee and Projectile interfaces. They have many properties available to adjust their behaviors.

  6. Functions for Weapon Cosmetics, from Melee and Ranged interfaces, had their signature changed. If you have custom implementations for these interfaces, review them accordingly.

  7. In a C++ project, make sure to review your modules in the Build.cs file.

  8. The death flow was reviewed to be more uniform across different sources of fatal damage. Review any changes to this flow.

  9. The Poise and Stagger system was inverted, so Poise decreases, instead of increasing. This addresses an issue where characters would not react to damage in version 1.0. Be sure to review your Combat Attributes using the new JSON reference.

  10. The Dissolve Handler is more flexible, supporting multiple parameters and curves.

  11. The Forward Reference can be any Scene Component, and it can be created automatically.

  12. The Movement Manager has been converted into a Character Movement Component.

Last modified: 16 September 2024