Ninja Bear Studio Plugins Help

Ninja Bear Studio Plugins

Ninja Bear Studio Tech

Welcome to the Ninja Bear Studio Plugins documentation site!

Here you will find detailed documentation for all Ninja Bear Studio tech, for the plugins that are currently available for the Unreal Engine, or are currently a work in progress.

Acquiring Licenses

Plugins can be obtained from Fab. Once purchased, all plugins can be installed from the Epic Games Launcher, for any supported engine version.

Getting Started

If you are using these plugins for the first time and might require support, it is highly recommended to start with one of the Unreal Templates, and that you do not try to integrate them with third party plugins. That would facilitate getting help from the support server, since you may be asked to provide a sample of any issues you may find.

The following list represents the recommended order to have them configured in your project.

  1. Ninja Input: Additional functionality for handling player input, including GAS activation.

  2. Ninja G.A.S.: Setup of the Gameplay Ability System for Players and AI.

  3. Ninja Combat: Combat features built with GAS.

  4. Ninja Inventory: Inventory functionality built with GAS.

  5. Ninja Factions: AI team management.

  6. Ninja Bot: AI Perception, behavior and strategy.

Support Server

If you need support, please reach out via e-mail or access the Discord server. You can find the contact information in the Plugin Card for all plugins, inside Unreal Engine.

Last modified: 05 December 2024