CombatGameplay Abilities
Last modified: 21 September 2024The Combat System provides several Gameplay Abilities that can be configured or extended to implement common combat-related functionalities.
- Attack
This Gameplay Ability can be used to implement Melee and Ranged attacks, including the option to have both attack types in the same ability.
- Block
Applies the Block Gameplay Effect, which enhances the defense for a character and may trigger certain logic in other parts of the system, such as Animation and Movement modules.
- Cast
This flexible Gameplay Ability can be used to create multiple types of "spells". These can be instant or targeted, and applied on the caster or other selected targets.
- Combo
Orchestrates other Abilities, such as attacks or casts so they can be executed in sequence, as long as certain pre-conditions are met, such as certain inputs pressed within a combo window.
- Death
Usually triggered when the character dies, this Gameplay Ability will play appropriate animations that can be related to the source of fatal damage, and execute any final logic before the owning Actor is destroyed.
- Evade
This Gameplay Ability plays animations that represent evasive maneuvers, such as dodges, rolls and sidesteps. Supports both directional inputs and default movements, and can be easily adjusted to create invincibility frames.
- Hit Reaction
Hit Reactions are triggered after each valid hit, so they can execute any necessary logic and play relevant animations, that can be selected based on different damage types and incoming hit directions.
- Opportunity Attacks
Attacks that can only be performed under certain circumstances and require animations to be synchronized between the attacker and victim can be created using this Gameplay Ability. It also supports camera animations for an extra cinematic flavour.
- Stagger
This Gameplay Ability is triggered whenever a Stagger Gameplay Effect is applied, so it can perform any relevant logic that must be implemented in addition to the Hit Reaction.
- Target Lock
Uses the Gameplay Targeting System to select a target from a list of eligible candidates. Locking on a target can lead to other changes in other systems, such as Animation and Movement modules.