Ninja G.A.S.
The Ninja G.A.S plugin is designed to help with the boilerplate code necessary to get started with the Gameplay Ability System.
Main Features
Gameplay Ability System Setup: Covers the basic steps required to have the Ability System running.
Pawn and Player State: It is common to have the ASC running on Pawns or Player States. The system covers both scenarios.
AI Support: Introduces G.A.S. elements to Behavior and State Trees.
Data-Driven Setup: Attribute Sets, Gameplay Effects and Abilities are configured via Data Assets.
Extended Functionality: Includes other common extensions, such as Passive Abilities, Batch Activation and Lazy-Loading of the ASC.
Design Pillars
Simplicity: Allows you to use the Gameplay Ability System as fast as possible.
Common Practices: Meant to incorporate popular practices and utilities for the ASC.
A great starting point for Ninja Combat and Ninja Inventory.
Ninja Input can be used to integrate the Enhanced Input with the Gameplay Ability System.