Ninja Bear Studio Plugins Help

Ninja G.A.S.

Ninja G.A.S.

The Ninja G.A.S plugin is designed to help with the boilerplate code necessary to get started with the Gameplay Ability System.

Main Features

  • Gameplay Ability System Setup: Covers the basic steps required to have the Ability System running.

  • Pawn and Player State: It is common to have the ASC running on Pawns or Player States. The system covers both scenarios.

  • AI Support: Introduces G.A.S. elements to Behavior and State Trees.

  • Data-Driven Setup: Attribute Sets, Gameplay Effects and Abilities are configured via Data Assets.

  • Extended Functionality: Includes other common extensions, such as Passive Abilities, Batch Activation and Lazy-Loading of the ASC.

Design Pillars

  • Simplicity: Allows you to use the Gameplay Ability System as fast as possible.

  • Common Practices: Meant to incorporate popular practices and utilities for the ASC.


Last modified: 15 August 2024