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Hit Reaction Ability

The Hit Reaction Ability supports directional hit reactions and maps certain incoming damage types to specific animations. This ability is typically activated via Gameplay Events, so it should always be added to the character by default.

Hit Reaction Ability

Directional Hit Reactions

The Hit Reaction Ability uses the Hit Reaction Animation Provider, which can select a specific Animation Montage or Montage Section based on certain angle ranges:

Hit Reaction Angles

In this example, the system uses the appropriate Montage Sections from the Animation Montage to play reactions based on the hit direction.

Hit Reaction Animation

Hit Angle Calculation

The Hit Reaction Animation Provider calculates the hit angle using two sources: the Hit Result Location and the Attacker Location. You can customize their influence using the Hit Location Weight and Attacker Location Weight properties.

This flexibility allows you to fully consider, fully ignore, or create a blended angle based on both sources. The following image illustrates this concept:

Hit Reaction Animation
Last modified: 19 September 2024