Local Gameplay Cues
Following Dan Tranek's documentation about Local Gameplay Cues, the original Gameplay Cue system, albeit powerful, can be expensive in terms of RPCs. Furthermore, there is a limit of how many cues can be triggered via RPC, per net update.
Ninja GAS provides two ways for you two add and remove local Gameplay Cues: directly in the Ability System Component or using the provided Function Library.
Ability System Component
Although the Ability System Component has a dedicated method to add and remove local Gameplay Cues, this method is not exposed to Blueprints. The custom Ability System Component, NinjaGASAbilitySystemComponent
exposes that, so this feature can be used on that layer.
Function Library
To simplify this flow, you can simply use the provided Function Library to add or remove local Gameplay Cues from a given actor. The function signature is very similar.