This section includes deep dive on important technical aspects of the GAS Wrapper.
- Ability Data Asset
On top of common ways that you can add Gameplay Abilities to an actor, Ninja GAS allows you to set Attribute Sets, Gameplay Effects, Gameplay Abilities and loose replicated tags using a Data Asset.
- Base ASC Classes
This topic will walk you through all the base classes that can be used to create your Actors, Pawns or Characters. They will provide an Ability System Component out of the box for you, ready-to-use.
- Artificial Intelligence
If you have AI Agents in your projects, then most likely you will need them to activate abilities or other tasks that might require attribute information. Ninja GAS provides such features for both Behavior and State Trees.
- Local Gameplay Cues
Similar to the Batch Activation, Gameplay Cues may be heavy on the network and since these are cosmetics, the Gameplay Ability System will reinforce certain limitations. To circumvent that, we can use local Gameplay Cues.
- Batch Activation
In some cases, you might need to activate multiple abilities together, but considering that each local activation will trigger an RPC, it is a good practice to activate them together. Ninja GAS supports batch activation.
- Lazy Loading
You may have multiple actors in the world that may require their own Ability System Component. However, having multiple instances of the ASC can be heavy, potentially leading to performance issues. Lazy Loading can help alleviating that problem.