Ninja Bear Studio Plugins Help

Base ASC Classes

This framework provides a few Base Classes that can be used for common ASC usage scenarios. It also provides a Data Asset to configure default Attribute Sets, Gameplay Effects and Gameplay Abilities for ASC users.

Base Classes

Use the following table as a reference, when creating your usual ASC-related classes.

Base Class



Actors with their own Ability System Component.


Pawns with their own Ability System Component.


Characters with their own Ability System Component.


Characters that will use the Ability System Component from the Player State.


Player State with its Ability System Component.

Default Data

The Ability System Component in the framework can receive initial data via Ability Bundle Data Asset.

This Data Asset will only load its assets on demand, when they are actually used by the Ability System Component. They will remain loaded until there are no Ability System Components using the same Ability Bundle.

You can set Ability Bundles in two ways:

  1. Directly to the Ability System Component, in its Details Tab.

  2. Via the AbilitySystemDefaultsInterface, set in an Avatar.

Ability System Defaults Interface

The base Character classes already implement this interface and expose the appropriate settings as properties. This creates a separation between abilities in the ASC and a potential override in the Avatar.

This interface cannot be implemented in Blueprint, so it must be added to other classes in C++.

Last modified: 14 August 2024