Ninja Bear Studio Plugins Help

Ranged Combat

The Ranged Combat functionality is designed to connect animations, launching projectiles and applying their damage regardless of the owner's Ability System Component. This functionality is also related to the Actor Pool.

ASCAttackAbilityAnimationLaunchProjectileNotifyProjectileRequestInstanceSpawnProjectileTaskProjectileactivatelisten for eventsplaybegininitializeinstancegameplay eventendinitializeinstanceactivatespawnspawnProjectileProjectileset GE SpeclaunchASCAttackAbilityAnimationLaunchProjectileNotifyProjectileRequestInstanceSpawnProjectileTaskProjectile

Attack Ability

A Ranged Attack starts with the Attack Ability.

Ranged Ability

First, the Animation Provider determines which animation should be played during the attack. The default animation provider uses a single animation montage and section name, but you could create other Animation Providers that will pick certain animations using any criteria, such as the type of weapon currently in use.

The next section, Motion Warping, allows you to define a way to collect targets, via the Targeting Preset to warp the animation. Motion Warping is a technique where the animation's Root Motion is scaled enough to travel a specific distance or rotate to a certain target. You can also apply a Warp Offset that will reduce the distance to travel between the attacker and the target.


Launch Projectile Notify

Projectile Request Transfer Object

Projectile Definition

Ranged Weapon Interface

Last modified: 15 September 2024