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AI Agents

The Faction System works in conjunction with the Unreal Engine's AI Perception System, allowing you to define the alignment between AI agents and their sensed targets.

Having access to the Faction Information about a sensed target can be useful to the AI decision process. Unreal Engine has two systems for that: Behavior Trees and State Trees. The Faction System supports both of them.

Behavior Trees

The Faction Service exposes Faction information from an Actor in the Blackboard.

Faction BT Service



Faction Member Key

Input. This is the Faction Member that will be evaluated.

Team ID Key

Output. The Team ID obtained from the Membership.

Faction Tag Key

Output. Gameplay Tag representing the Membership's faction.

Attitude Towards Key

Output. The attitude between the AI Owner and the Faction Member.

The Attitude Check Decorator evaluates an attitude from the Blackboard. It is able to abort its own execution or nodes with lower priority.

Faction BT Decorator



Attitude Key

Input. A blackboard entry containing an attitude to be evaluated.

Attitude Test

Parameter. Value used to compare the attitudes.

State Trees

The Faction Evaluator exposes Faction information from an Actor added as an input.

Faction ST Evaluator



Faction Member

Input. This is the Faction Member that will be evaluated.

Team ID

Output. The Team ID obtained from the Membership.

Faction Tag

Output. Gameplay Tag representing the Membership's faction.

Attitude Towards

Output. The attitude between the AI Owner and the Faction Member.

The Attitude Check Condition evaluates an attitude from an input.

Faction ST Evaluator

Attitude Check Condition

This Condition evaluates the attitude between an attitude entry and a given value.



Attitude Key

Input. An attitude to be evaluated.

Attitude Test

Parameter. Value used to compare the attitudes.

Last modified: 15 September 2024