This section includes deep dive on important technical aspects of the Faction System.
- Faction Database
By default, the Faction System uses the Asset Manager to load all available in the game. But you can extend or modify this strategy, by creating your own Faction Database.
- Attitude Solver
The Unreal Engine's Perception System uses the concept of attitude to determine how agents should react to their perceived targets. You can use Attitude Solvers to provide the attitude logic between Factions.
- AI Agents
If your AI agents must react to Faction Data, they can use the appropriate objects provided by the Framework, both for Behavior and State Trees.
- Save and Load
The Faction System might have data that can change over time, such as Reputation. Therefore, the ability to save and load this data is important to resume gameplay sessions without loss of progress.
- Gameplay Debugger
You can query Faction Information regarding an AI agent using the Gameplay Debugger. A dedicated Faction Category is available, showing Memberships and Reputation.