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Character Handlers

These Input Handlers are meant to be used with character-related actions, such as Move or Jump.


Changes the Character's Movement Mode to Crouched. It can be used in two ways: Momentary and Toggle:

  • Momentary: Result of an Input Action with Pressed and Released Trigger Events.

  • Toggle: Result of an Input Action with a Pressed Trigger Event.

Crouching will not be triggered under the following conditions:

  • The value of BlockCrouchTags is set, and the owning character has any of these Gameplay Tags.

  • Crouch is disabled in the Character Movement Component (bCanEverCrouch).


Triggers the Character's Jump and Stop Jumping functions. These are executed from Triggered and Completed events, respectively.


Moves the Controller's Yaw and Pitch, based on the incoming 2D input values. It will execute from Triggered and Ongoing events. Supports blocking the camera, via the presence of Gameplay Tags.

To achieve the expected results, the Spring Arm Component attached to the owning pawn/character must have the property bUsePawnControlRotation set to true.

Move (Standard)

Moves a Pawn or Character, based on the incoming 2D input values. It will execute from Triggered and Ongoing events. Supports blocking the movement, via the presence of Gameplay Tags.

For certain setups, such as top-down with WASD movement, a Forward Reference is required.

Move (Replicated)

A version of the Move Handler that routes incoming 2D input values to an interface, instead of the usual Pawn Movement functions.

This allows developers to do something with the input, before forwarding it to the Pawn Movement Functions, such as storing and then replicating these values. This technique is common in popular locomotion frameworks.

When using this version of the Handler, implement ReplicatedMovementInterface in the Pawn or Character, store or replicate the incoming values as needed, and then forward them to the usual Pawn Movement functions.


Rotates the character based on a 2D Input Value. Very common for Twin-Stick Movement. It will execute from Triggered and Ongoing events. Supports blocking the rotation, via the presence of Gameplay Tags.

Primarily meant to be used as the gamepad right thumbstick. Handling a Look At Mouse Cursor setup is not supported by default Input Actions, since their value will not trigger continuously without changes in the input.

To handle that, the Input Manager Component can rotate the controller, using the mouse cursor location as a target. The following properties and functions can be used to enable and adjust this functionality:

  • bShouldRotateControllerToMouseCursor: Enables the rotation to mouse cursor.

  • MouseChannel: Collision Channel used to capture the mouse cursor in the world.

  • ControlRotationInterpSpeed: Used to smooth the rotation by interpolating between current and target positions.

  • RotateControllerToMouseCursor: Rotates the Player Controller the current mouse cursor. Can be overwritten in Blueprints or C++.

Last modified: 16 September 2024