Ninja Bear Studio Plugins Help

Input Handlers

Input Handlers are responsible for handling Player Inputs. They are mapped to Input Actions, bundled into an Input Setup and then triggered by the Input Manager.

Input Handler Design

Input Handlers extend from NinjaInputHandler, which grants them the following default properties.



Input Actions

Input Actions compatible with the Input Handler.

Trigger Events

For each provided action, which Trigger Events will be detected.

Can Be Buffered

Allows the Input Handler to be buffered .

Input Handlers also inherit the following functions.



Can Handle

Determines if the Handler is compatible with an Input Action and Input Trigger.


Multiple Handle functions are available, differentiating the type of trigger that needs to be handled.

The CanHandle check is purely a compatibility check and should not include temporary states. As for the Handle functions, you only need to implement the ones that are actually used by your handler.

Both functions are marked as const, since the Input Handler is not supposed to have a state. If that is required, then the state must be persisted somewhere else, such as the Player Controller or Character.

Last modified: 16 September 2024