Ninja Bear Studio Plugins Help


Grants the backing item the equipment trait, connects the Item Definition to an Equipment definition and provides the Activate and Deactivate operations.

Equipment items are tagged as Inventory.Item.Trait.Equipment.

Equipment Tracking

The Equipment Fragment is a bridge between the Inventory Manager and the Equipment Manager.

It will keep track of the item's current container, and whenever it is added to, or removed from an Equipment Slot, it will trigger the Activate or Deactivate, respectively.

Internally, these flows will broadcast a Gameplay Event to activate a Equipment State Gameplay Ability, providing the Equipment Definition in the payload.

Equipment Definition

The Equipment Definition contains information about the equipment that represents the item in the game world. Make sure to check the Equipment page for more information!

Gameplay Abilities

There are two Gameplay Abilities that can handle Activating and Deactivating equipment instances:

  • UInventoryAbility_ActivateEquipment: Watches for Gameplay Events to activate equipment instances.

  • UInventoryAbility_DeactivateEquipment: Watches for Gameplay Events to deactivate equipment instances.

They are connected to the Equipment Manager and will initialize and modify equipment states based on the incoming payload.

You can find more information about these abilities in the Gameplay Abilities

Animation Notify

In conjunction with the Gameplay Abilities, you can use the Send Equipment Event Animation Notify, to trigger certain gameplay events, such as effectively changing an item's state.

Last modified: 09 August 2024