Ninja Bear Studio Plugins Help


Enables the consumable trait, along with the accompanying Consume operation.

Consumable items are tagged as Inventory.Item.Trait.Consumable.

Tracking Charges

Charges are tracked based on the value set for the Charges property in the fragment. These are the options:

  • Gameplay Attribute: The item uses a Gameplay Attribute to track charges.

  • Stack Fragment: The item uses its own stack to track charges.

  • None: No charges are tracked, you may still set a cooldown.

Consume Operation

The Consume Fragment supports the " Consume " operation, which triggers the backing Gameplay Ability, responsible for the GAS aspects and Animation.

Consuming the item applies the Gameplay Effect set in the Fragment, and optionally handles charges, as per the strategy also set in the fragment.(Gameplay Attribute or Stack Fragment).

Consume operation sample in Blueprints
void UInventoryExamples::Consume(UNinjaInventoryItem* Item) { const TInstancedStruct<FInventoryFragmentPayload>& Payload = UNinjaInventoryGameplayFunctionLibrary::CreateConsumePayload(Item); InventoryManager->TryPerformOperation(Payload); }

Consume Ability

The Consume Fragment needs a Gameplay Ability to actually execute. You must create your Gameplay Ability using the UInventoryAbility_ConsumeItem ability as a base, and then assign that ability to your character.

You can find more information about this Ability in its own reference page, but for now, it's important to mention that it will allow you to configure an Animation for this event. This animation can receive a Notify State to actually show a consumable item.

Animation Notify State

The animation used to represent the Consume Operation most likely needs a mesh to represent the consumable itself.

The Attach Consumable Mesh Notify State can be used to temporarily attach a mesh to the character, representing the consumable being used. It has the following parameters:



Mesh Type

Type of mesh used to represent the consumable item.


A soft pointer to the skeletal or static mesh.

Slot Tag

The Gameplay Tag used to find the proper Skeletal or Static Mesh component in the owner.

Attach Socket

An optional socket used to re-attach the component to an appropriate location.

Slots to Hide

Slots that must be hidden while the consumable is attached. For example, the weapon.

This Notify State uses Soft Pointers to the mesh assets, which are loaded using the Asset Manager as the Notify State starts. Once it reaches its end, the handle to the loaded mesh is released.

Last modified: 31 July 2024