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Enables the droppable trait, along with the accompanying Drop operation.

Droppable items are tagged as Inventory.Item.Trait.Droppable.

Pickup Actor

An item dropped in the world requires an actor to represent its presence, and allow other pawns, such as the player, to retrieve it.

These actors are defined by the InventoryPickupInterface and any actor implementing it will be a viable choice for the class selection property.

The system provides the following actors that can be used as a starting point:




Basic pickup actor without any cosmetics, but with the proper data structure.


Configures the mesh based on the item's Equipment configuration. Integrated with the Asset Manager.


Adds physics to the Equipment Pickup.

You are free to build your pickup actors with any of the base actors above. Keep in mind that these actors will not provide interaction features, such as collision detection.

Drop Operation

The Drop operation allows you to set important properties to customize the operation:

  1. Location: Where in the world the item will be dropped.

  2. Is Local Only: In multiplayer scenarios, determines if the item is dropped for the local player or all players.

Drop operation sample in Blueprints
void UInventoryExamples::Drop(UNinjaInventoryItem* Item, const FVector& Location, bool bIsLocalOnly) { const TInstancedStruct<FInventoryFragmentPayload>& Payload = UNinjaInventoryGameplayFunctionLibrary::CreateDropPayload(Item, Location, bIsLocalOnly); InventoryManager->TryPerformOperation(Payload); }

Adding a Pickup

A pickup actor can be directly added to the Inventory Manager without any conversions.

Add pickup to inventory
void UInventoryExamples::Interact(AExamplePickup* Pickup) { FInventoryItemContext& Result; InventoryManager->Result(Pickup, Result); }
Last modified: 08 August 2024