Ninja Bear Studio Plugins Help

Inventory Items

Provides all items available Gameplay Attributes assigned to the Inventory Owner.

This viewmodel is meant to be used at the Inventory UI level. It will bind to changes in a Container when the owning widget receives the Container Instance.

Any widget extending UNinjaInventoryContainerWidget will do that automatically, but ou can also set the container via the SetContainer function in the viewmodel.



Update Condition

Get Items

Retrieves all items in the container

Items are added, removed or their position changes in the container.

All widgets representing Container Views will provide a RefreshItems function that is compatible with the viewmodel's GetItem output. Once invoked by the change, it will update its own container representation. These are the current views:

  • UNinjaInventoryContainerBorderWidget: A border meant to represent a single item, usually an Equipment Slot.

  • UNinjaInventoryContainerBoxWidget: A Wrap Box that can display items in a grid, based on their positions.

Last modified: 07 August 2024